
EnableTalk Translates Sign Language Into Speech, Gives New Meaning to ‘Talking With Your Hands’ - robersonbles1976

The EnableTalk glove was the winning entry at this year's Imagine Cup competition. [Credit: Enabletalk]

While Imagine Cup winners consume come with some truly nifty stuff concluded the years, this creative work from Ukrainian team QuadSquad rather takes the proverbial coat.

EnableTalk, QuadSquad's award-taking invention, was built on the spine of a simple yet in-chief question: How do you break fallen the communication barrier between the hearing-impaired and the rest of the populace? With black leather gloves, circuitry, and intelligent software, obviously.

A diagram of EnableTalk's glove. [Credit: EnableTalk]

The glove comes outfitted with more a dozen bend-sensors and constitutional accelerometers susceptible of registering both the timing and the direction of the manipulator's pass on movements. A restrainer on the orb can dissect and interpret those signals before relaying them via Bluetooth to a text-to-speech locomotive that translates them into viva-voce oral communicatio.

EnableTalk may not constitute the first of its kind–we covered a similar project from students at Cornell University in May–but information technology's certainly the one of the most economical examples of the musical theme so Former Armed Forces. Accordant to the EnableTalk website, the base cost of an EnableTalk paradigm is roughly $150, a figure that is foreseen to drop to $75 formerly advance growth has been conducted.

Sadly, we probably won't be seeing it along Amazon anytime soon. Right now, the gloves are only capable of translating cardinal different phrases in sign languages, something that sternly limits its effectiveness in historical world situations.

However, co-creator Maxim Osika has manifestly expressed that the team is already working happening expanding the twist's repertoire of phrases and making IT congruous with some Android and iOS devices.

[EnableTalk via Forbes]

Cassandra Khaw is an entree-level audiophile, a street dancer, a person who writes about video games for a living, and soul who spends too much time on Chitter.

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