
What Are The Animated Phrases To Use On Fb

Updated July eight, 2020 for using text animations to better engagement on business organization accounts

Apr 11, 2018 for Wonderful Time.
Updated April 9, 2018 for LMAO.
Updated March eleven, 2018 for BFF.

Facebook Colored Text and Facebook Text Animations Are Called Facebook Text Please

For reasons that I don't care to get into, Facebook keeps trying to tell me what to do.

Don't get me incorrect, I'm grateful they changed their tone and now ask me "What's on your heed?" instead of telling me to share something. Plus, I take to admit, information technology has some amazing features. Ane of my favorites is that it knows everyone'due south birthdays and reminds me of them.

In fact, just before today it told me about a friend'south birthday and in its bossy way, it told me to "ship her skillful thoughts."

So, while I was mumbling "y'all're non the dominate of me" I went ahead and wrote, "Accept a rad ane!"

I hit Post, and my birthday greeting popped onto her wall. However, this post looked a picayune different. The word "rad" was bright pink!

(Some say it looks purple only it is pink)

When I clicked on information technology, trivial thumb-up emojis popped upwards and took off across my screen, leaving colorful trails in their wake.

You've probably seen something like if you lot've said "congratulations" to someone and I also saw a few words create wizardly sparks during the Harry Potter anniversary. So even though this wasn't brand new, I accept to admit, I was nonetheless pretty impressed. I was also very curious virtually what other words would exist so…delightful.

After a few Google searches and some digging with the Programmer Tool, I discovered that this Facebook feature is chosen "Text Delight."

Currently, it appears that at that place are several text animations that you lot tin trigger your Facebook posts or comments.

Note: if you merely desire a list of animations and don't intendance almost how to utilize Facebook Text Delight to grow your business concern Facebook audience, scroll through and watch for bullet points.

How Do Facebook Text Delights Piece of work?

When you lot blazon certain words into Facebook, an animation appears both to yous and to the person you send them to. Blazon Facebook Text Delights as a post on someone'south wall or in respond to comments. Allow'due south get right to an case.

Wonderful Time

1 of our readers in Hialeah, FL found this one and sent it to us. Blazon "wonderful time" on Facebook and lookout man what happens.

Wonderful Time Facebook Animation, Wonderful Time Facebook


One of our readers in Colorado messaged us that they've institute a new one! Blazon lmao or LMAO to try it out.

LMAO Facebook Text Animation - Facebook Text Delight - Facebook LMAO

So That Got Me Thinking…

I immediately wondered, how can I put this swell razzle-dazzle to piece of work for my clients? We brainstormed some ideas I'yard virtually to share with you, and along the mode, I'll also show you other words that are known Facebook Text Delights.

Using Facebook Text Please to Increase Engagement (And Abound Your Audience)

Facebook is the almost widely used social media network, and for most businesses, the best pick in terms of generating results. A quick look at the statistics tells us why.

  • 71 pct of U.Southward. adults employ Facebook.
  • More than than half of users log in several times a day, and 74 per centum log in at least one time daily.
  • 31 percent of consumers say they employ social media to browse for things to purchase.
  • Millennials are especially likely to use digital to compare products when making purchasing decisions.
  • 80 per centum of consumers say they utilize social media to engage with brands.

Nosotros love data, and so we could get on all day, but that's probably not what y'all're hither for. The signal is this – almost all the people you are trying to reach utilize Facebook, and they don't only utilise it to post pictures for grandma. They utilize it to determine whether or not they want to invest in what you lot practise or sell.

If yous do a practiced job winning hearts on Facebook, your audience will grow so will your business organisation. If your competitor does a amend job, you'll get left backside.

At Spade Design, our job is to help businesses stand out, appoint new audiences, and increase conversions. Nosotros're pretty good at it, but we empathize the huge challenges businesses face when information technology comes to social media marketing. Hither'due south why it's so hard to accomplish people, even though they're open to interaction.

Facebook is Clogged With Clutter

Unfortunately, it'due south not a secret that Facebook is a great place to reach people. Acme brands and local businesses are all vying for their attention. Other people with similar offers have the aforementioned chance to snag consumers equally you do, and some of them are trying hard. And there are a lot of them.

More than 80 one thousand thousand small businesses have and actively utilize a Facebook account. Over three 1000000 are actively ad.

You're non just competing for attention against other brands. Individuals spend on average 58.5 minutes a twenty-four hour period browsing, commenting, searching, and viewing. Brands and individuals all contribute to the ataxia. Facebook Newsroom reports statistics like these:

  • Users upload more than than 300 1000000 photos daily.
  • There are eight billion video views every day on Facebook.
  • Around 510,000 comments are posted every threescore seconds,with 5 billion comments left monthly.
  • Also every sixty seconds there are 317,000 status updates, 400 new users, and 54,000 shared links.

When y'all're competing against the cutest baby photos, the most shocking news stories, the most divisive comments, the craziest videos, and the highest quality social media ads out at that place, how does the boilerplate pocket-sized business ever stand a chance of getting noticed?

It helps to have a fiddling razzle-dazzle. For example, what if you told a brand nearly a new way you lot used their product and you got this response:

Y'all're The All-time

you're the best facebook text animation

Back in grade school, a gold star meant large achievement. Perhaps that's why this Facebook Text Delight animation includes a flying starburst.

Suddenly, your response becomes more than just a comment. It creates an emotional response, a feeling of pride. Information technology shows your business organisation goes above and beyond when it comes to customer appreciation.

Use this Facebook Text Delight whenever it'southward an appropriate response to something a customer comments. Non only volition you give that user a big pat on the back, when others read the comments, your positive response will stand out. Annotation that sometimes people report the blitheness doesn't work when you lot capitalize the "y" in "You're the all-time." Stick to lower instance.

All-time Wishes

facebook text animations blessings best wishes facebook text delight

Post Best Wishes and you'll run across very grateful hands sharing good energy to others. For businesses working to grow their online audition and increase date, use this when customers, clients, employees, or other audition members share an upcoming consequence that claim you sending them best wishes.

You lot Got This

You Got This Facebook Animation

Like old solitaire, the thumbs-up emoji bounces along the bottom of your screen, leaving a colorful tail. Employ this ane when you hear followers, friends or employees are facing a challenge. You'll show your back up and they'll receive a quick burst of positivity. The animation is over in a fraction of a second, but the fact that you cared will leave a lasting bear on.

Activated by:

  • y'all got this
  • you lot've got this
  • you lot can practise it


Facebook congratulations animation - facebook text animation

A bunch of celebratory balloons and confetti pop out and float around your screen. This Facebook Text Delight is useful for sending positive wishes when you hear online audiences graduated, had a baby, got married, and all the other usual occasions.

It tin can be peculiarly powerful for B2B businesses when yous see others win awards or public recognition. Stand up out from other well-wishers and grab attending with this Facebook Text Delight animation.

Activated past:

  • Congrats
  • Congratulations
  • ألف
  • مبروك
  • تهانينا مبارك
  • مبروك
  • Glückwunsch
  • Gratuliere
  • Enhorabuena
  • Felicitaciones
  • Félicitations
  • बधाई
  • Selamat
  • Congratulazioni
  • おめでとう
  • 축하해
  • 축하해요
  • Мои поздравления
  • Поздравляем
  • Поздравляю
  • ยินดีด้วย
  • Tebrikler
  • 恭喜
  • Geluk
  • অভিনন্দন
  • Gratulace!
  • Til lykke
  • Tillykke
  • Συγχαρητήρια
  • Paljon onnea
  • Onnea
  • અભિનંદન
  • מזל טוב
  • Gratula
  • Čestitam
  • Čestitke
  • Čestitamo
  • അഭിനന്ദനങ്ങൾ
  • ಶುಭಾಶಯ
  • Tahniah
  • Grattis
  • अभिनंदन
  • ਵਧਾਈਆਂ
  • Parabéns
  • Gratki
  • Gratulacje
  • Felicitări!
  • Gratulujem
  • Blahoželám
  • Gefeliciteerd
  • வாழ்த்துகள்
  • வாழ்த்துக்கள்
  • అభినందనలు
  • مبارکباد
  • Chúc mừng
  • ဂုဏ်ယူပါတယ်
  • Честитам
  • Hongera
  • Свака част
  • Felicitações
  • Gratulálok
  • Gratulálunk
  • Onnittelut
  • Μπράβο
  • gratuluju
  • gratuluji
  • gratulujeme
  • blahopřeju
  • blahopřeji
  • blahopřejeme
  • Tebrik ederim
  • ขอแสดงความยินดี
  • おめでとうございます
  • Complimenti
  • बधाई हो
  • शुभकामनाएं
  • शुभकामनाएँ
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch
  • Baie geluk
  • Veels geluk
  • Gratulerer


Facebook rad animation - facebook text animation

What'south improve than having a agglomeration of shooting thumbs up fly across your screen? Yous'll be surprised how many occasions you'll have to utilize this one.

Activated past:

  • rad
  • radness


Facebook hearts animation - facebook text animation xoxo

Prove some honey and watch floating hearts make full your screen. Use it with friends and family members any time yous want. For business, y'all might choose this Facebook Text Delight when audiences say or do something especially heartwarming.

Activated by:

  • xo
  • xoxo
  • xoxoxo
  • Besos y abrazos
  • bisou
  • bisous
  • baci
  • 꽁냥꽁냥
  • Я люблю тебя
  • Я люблю вас
  • จุ๊บๆ
  • จุ๊บจุ๊บ
  • Öptüm
  • 么么哒
  • সোনা
  • Kys og knus
  • φιλάκια
  • puspus
  • Puszi!
  • Šaljem poljupce!
  • ഉമ്മ
  • ਰੋਮਾਂਸ
  • Um abraço
  • pupici
  • cmuk
  • ချစ်ခြင်းများစွာ
  • Грлим те
  • mahaba

4 Tactics For Standing Out (Including How to Use Facebook Text Animations)

Is this one thing going to drastically change your Facebook marketing success rate? If all y'all do is starting time indiscriminately posting Facebook Text Delight messages all over the platform, probably non.

Social media success is almost date. You don't just want to put it out there, you're looking to make connections, to create emotional responses, to show people all the reasons you're the all-time and the most trustworthy. Facebook text animations are just one way to brand your business stand out on Facebook. Here are some of the means nosotros suggest clients to achieve success on social media.

Quality Over Quantity

People ask how oftentimes they should postal service to their Facebook account. Nosotros always reply that it's better to mail less frequently than to share content that doesn't have value for their audience.

For our own social media content, we only mail service in one case or twice a 24-hour interval, and just when we have something to share we feel is useful, informative, or entertaining and related to what we do.

It doesn't always take to be original content. We create our ain ebooks, videos, infographics, instance studies, weblog articles, and a ton of other content, just we're also avid researchers. When we run across something keen someone else has posted, nosotros share that every bit curated content, crediting the original source.

Every bit far as Facebook text animations go, quality over quantity applies here likewise. Don't use them during every interaction. Relieve them for when they are heartfelt.

Reply to Every Comment

Facebook loves engagement. Its algorithm recognizes posts that get more likes, clicks, and peculiarly comments by displaying them to a wider audience.

Plus, people visit social media platforms to be social. If they commented on your page or mail service, they want to hear dorsum from you. Respond to every comment and they'll view your brand as more approachable and invested in customer service.

Sometimes Facebook text animations volition be appropriate but once again use them judiciously. It'southward likewise a peachy idea to personalize replies by using the original commenter'south name.

Post When Audiences are Online

It'south even better when you can reply to comments quickly. Detect out when you're almost likely to grab them by going to your Facebook concern folio, clicking on "Insights" and selecting "Posts" from the left-hand menu.

Bank check the graph to see what days and times your followers are most active on Facebook and schedule posts accordingly. Then, if possible, be available to respond to comments during that time frame. Imagine how personal it might feel to one of your audience members if they receive a positive, cheerful animated text in response to their comment seconds after they submit information technology.

Ask Users to Share Thoughts and Opinions

If you're going to use Facebook text animations in response to user comments, you demand to start conversations. People love to talk virtually themselves, so encourage them to do and so on your Facebook folio. It's easier than you might think.

For case, if yous share curated content from a thought leader in your industry, open up the flooring to your audience. Ask them if they hold or disagree, then engage in the dialogue when it begins.

Facebook Marketing Success in Spades

We share even more than tips in our free guide 5 Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing. Become the download to start engaging followers on an ongoing basis.

If you're tired of hearing nigh Facebook marketing success stories and not experiencing information technology for yourself, we can aid. Schedule a conference telephone call today and allow'southward talk about your social media marketing and other digital marketing needs.

Help Us Stay Up To Date

We're going to do our best to keep this post updated in order to help everyone know current text delights are available. If you notice a new one, please let us know via our chat system!

Discontinued Facebook Text Delight Phrases

As I mentioned, Facebook has used others that have only been available for a limited time. Here are a few others that we know about:

Harry Potter Phrases

facebook harrypotter text animations

World Mean solar day

facebook earth day animation text delight

Mother's Day

[/facebook text delight text animation mothers day

  • BFF
  • BFFS
  • LMAO
  • Thank you and so much

The in a higher place are besides Facebook Text Delight animations that worked in the past and may again, only currently are non available.


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