
Does Smartlogic Track And Find Have An App?

Mobile Application Development

We build beautiful native look-and-feel iOS and Android applications using React Native, a cross-platform Javascript framework. We've been building mobile applications since 2008, before the advent of the Apple App Store.

We've developed dozens of custom mobile apps for clients ranging from new startups to large corporations over the years; our apps have thousands of installs and have handled hundreds of thousands of transactions.

We have experience building large and small mobile apps for a variety of mobile platform targets, including the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. We've built apps that handle a wide range of logistics, including ticketing, ecommerce, social engagement, clinical surveys, and ordering and delivery tracking.

Whether you're looking to build a companion mobile app to go along with an existing web application, or starting a new project from the ground up, we have the experience and skills to bring your project to life. If you're looking to build an app, chances are, we can help.

Here are few quick examples of mobile apps we've built for our clients.

iOS App Design for a Patient-centered Care Survey

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) reached out to us in 2017, looking to build a custom survey application to support their new Person Driven Outcomes methodology. This approach focuses on encouraging patients to set specific, measurable goals, and uses a follow-up system to track patient goals and outcomes.

SmartLogic built a custom digital platform for the Person Driven Outcomes survey, complete with an API, iPad application, and web-based admin and reporting dashboard. The platform is HIPAA-compliant, securing all data in accordance with medical health records best practices.

NCQA App screenshot: Clinicians assist patients in completing various questionnaires. This is a sample Patient Recorded Outcome Measurement (PROM) question, as it is asked and recorded by a clinician. NCQA App screenshot: Following a patient-completed PROM, the clinician then views a patient's results and answers several follow-up questions. NCQA App screenshot: Within the app a caregiver records the top three goals for a patient for the next specified period of time, ensuring a shared understanding between the patient and their clinicians.
A sampling of views in the NCQA Person Driven Outcomes iPad app.

The iPad app leverages adaptive technology to dramatically simplify the questionnaire flow, and also manages data smoothly between on- and off-line activity, saving data locally and syncing to the cloud when next connected in order to allow for surveys outside of network connectivity. Practitioners who are piloting the Person Driven Outcomes methodology use the iPad app with patients to help them set and monitor personal health goals; the methodology and app are currently being tested with 800 individuals across four states.

SmartLogic really knows how to get customers to an end product.

— Keri Christensen, Director, Research Innovation at NCQA

Cross Platform Development for a Social Gig Economy Startup

Baltimore-based startup knctrr engaged SmartLogic to build an app for their new gig-economy venture in 2019. The founders at knctrr had already pursued about 18 months of R&D and were ready to build their platform, but didn't have an internal team available to build it, nor did they have the time to wait for hiring and onboarding a new team of developers.

knctrr mobile app screenshots iPad app screenshots
knctrr mobile and tablet app views.

As a new startup, time was a crucial factor for knctrr; SmartLogic took their app from concept to production in under three months. The knctrr platform consists of an Elixir/Phoenix back end, fully responsive web-based front end, and companion React Native mobile iOS and Android apps. SmartLogic worked with knctrr on technical architecture decisions as well, including identifying and evaluating options for payment processors and chat options, as well as scalability and future-proofing decisions. SmartLogic's ability to deliver knctrr's application quickly helped to support their launch timeline and growth goals.

Going through such a deliberate and robust design process with SmartLogic before starting the development gave us the leg up we needed to finish on budget and ahead of schedule, while managing to release a sophisticated platform that is compatible with all devices.

— Myles Smith, Co-founder & Vice President, knctrr

Mobile Application Development Services for a Modern Ticketing Platform

In 2016, the Baltimore Water Taxi was under new ownership and ready to modernize their ticketing system, which to date had relied on paper tickets, with no advance purchase options or internal reporting and analytics capabilities.

The Water Taxi chose SmartLogic to build their application out, in part because of SmartLogic's attention to learning about and understanding their unique business challenges; according to CEO Mike McDaniel, the SmartLogic team "grasped our business a lot faster than the others. The value of their getting our operations became evident throughout the project."

Users can select various ticket types (Infant, Senior, Military, etc.) when purchasing ticket Users can select a delivery method (SMS or Paper) when purchasing tickets What a purchased ticket looks like when viewed on iPhone
The Baltimore Water Taxi mobile ticketing app.

SmartLogic built a digital ticketing system for the Water Taxi, that enables purchases via the Water Taxi's website, built by another vendor, and through the boat operators' mobile app, built by SmartLogic.

The new digital ticketing system gave customers a modern experience. It also gave the Water Taxi valuable insights into usage patterns, enabling them to identify infrequently used pickup locations. They then used that data to design more efficient routes for the following season that both reduced overhead and got customers to their destinations faster.

SmartLogic has the ability to take a concept to a solution within budget and do it within the allotted time frame. What else could you ask for?

— Mike McDaniel, CEO, Baltimore Water Taxi

We've been a mobile app company since 2008.

We know our way around the libraries and technologies, the pitfalls and the scalable solutions that will handle your growth gracefully. We are specialists in mobile and web app development; we take care of the technical side, and you maintain ownership over all the code we write for you. We check in on priorities regularly, delivering code early and often, to ensure that as your project progresses, we continue to focus on the features that are most important for your business.

Ready to talk about your project? We're always happy to have a conversation, whether you're hoping to start immediately or are planning for next year's budget. Reach out, we'd love to talk with you about building your mobile application.

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Does Smartlogic Track And Find Have An App?


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