
Did An Animal Attack A Child At The Birmingham Zoo

Mutual Proper name

North American River Otter

Scientific Name

Lontra canadensis












Lontra canadensis

Geographic Range

Establish throughout the U.s. and Canada.


Typically near bodies of h2o including streams, rivers, lakes and fresh and salt water marshes.

Physical Description

The N American River Otter has a long, sleek body with a long, tapered tail covered in short, dense dark brown fur. Their thick fur helps to protect their skin from the water and allows them to withstand cold weather condition. They have modest, round heads with small eyes and ears and prominent whiskers. Their legs are short with webbed feet and claws.

Physical Characteristics

The Northward American River Otter weighs on average 10 to 30 pounds and measures approximately two to iv feet long from head to tail.

Life Expectancy

In the wild, their lifespan is approximately eight to 9 years; in captivity information technology increases to about 15 to 20 years.


In the wild, these otters eat a variety of fish, crayfish, frogs and aquatic invertebrates forth with an occasional bird or rodent. They prey nearly ofttimes on slower fish, such equally catfish, carp and sculpins. They utilize their sensitive whiskers which assistance them locate prey and catch their prey with their mouth, using their paws to hold on to the prey if needed. In the Zoo, they eat meat, eggs, carrots, variety of fish (trout, catfish, herring, capelin, smelt).


Mating season depends on the breadth in which the otter was born. Even so, it typically occurs in wintertime or spring. Their gestational period can terminal anywhere from two months to i yr, equally otters are capable of delayed implantation. Litter size ranges anywhere from one to five pups. They are born blind and remain in the den to nurse for the outset calendar month. At about two months they begin to venture out of the den to play and to larn how to swim and hunt. Otters are known for their playful nature, fifty-fifty as adults. Young are able to fully care for themselves at near vi months of age simply they do non usually leave their mother until nigh one year.  Males sometimes course a group with other immature males until breeding flavor; otherwise a group of otters is typically a female person with her young pups or pups from the previous litter. Males and females practice not usually associate unless it is breeding season.

Cultural Connectedness

For many years otters accept been hunted for their fur. In the past, their soft and attractive fur could be sold for a decent corporeality of coin. Otters also help fisherman by eating the less desirable species of fish that compete with the more desirable and profitable fish. This thereby increases the corporeality of desirable species, yielding a higher profit for fisherman.

Conservation Condition

Otters are at the status of least concern on the IUCN Red List. Specific threats include predation, pollution, and cars.

Exist the Change

Do not throw any kind of trash, fertilizers, or poisons into whatsoever body of h2o. This kind of pollution could deplete the food supply for the otters. Otters are what we phone call an "indicator species." This means that if at that place is bear witness of otters living in a body of h2o then that body of water is likely very healthy and clean. If there is no evidence of otters in a trunk of water it could mean that the body of h2o has been polluted or is unhealthy.

Location at the Zoo

Junior League of Birmingham – Hugh Kaul Children's Zoo Alabama Wilds Trail

The Zoo's Animals

The Birmingham Zoo North American river otters are Slim, a male weighing in at viii.0kg (17.5 lbs), and Lenora, a female weighing in at 7.3kg (xvi lbs.).

Fascinating Facts

Nearly researchers specifically focusing on otters rarely actually see any wild otters. Otters are very secretive and shy and would rather run away than attack. Because they are almost always very close to a body of h2o, if they hear a human they tin leap into the water quickly and make a fast getaway. Instead of actually trying to spot an otter, researchers wait for what they call "latrine sights." Otters volition always become back to the same few spots in their home range to defecate; this is what is known as a latrine sights. Even the otters at the zoo have called their own latrine sights. Researchers also rely on game cams that they set to catch pictures and videos of otters in the night. The torpedo shaped body the otter has allows it to cut through the water in a smooth and fast manner. The otter can shut its ears and nostrils when diving. A group of otters is chosen a "romp" of otters.


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